I’ve been working on this one for days. I think it’s done…
Emptiness is the best part of everything. I think. It’s what catches the eye, inviting imagination to come, to wander and wonder about some bird, or perhaps some other kind of creature, who took it upon itself to poke a hole in this tree that had been growing tall for 60 or 70 years, maybe longer, and changed its course giving it a new meaning and purpose. All this time, it was busy being a tree, and now what?
Where am I? What am I doing now? Why am I here? The tree doesn’t ask, it just goes along with the flow of whatever comes along today, and today, and today. Why can’t I? Some days I need answers. Some days I simply enjoy the imperfections.
And Leonard Cohen said, “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”