1463. so big

so big—
i could almost reach out and 
touch the moon

My picture, it’s not very clear but that’s okay.  At first when I saw it, the moon was low in the sky and it was big, so big. Heading home, I pulled the car to the curb, walked over to the chain-link fence and took out my phone. “Look at the moon,” I said to a man walking alone. He stopped and turned to look back. “It’s called a supermoon,” I explained. We stood there a while taking it in. “Yes, it’s full,” he spoke softly, “I don’t know why I didn’t see it. My mind must’ve been lost in thoughts. Thanks.”  For a moment I thought to myself….No, I can’t touch it but  i can take it home and write about it.

1462. Dan

my heart
my king of hearts
wishing you
a super special day today—
happy birthday! 


In every heart a flower blooms, he is my heart. He is my heart, my king of hearts. Happy Birthday, honey!!!♥️

1461. the tall one

the sun comes up,
a lone man leans into a tree
and looks up

A Cree Indian prophecy: “Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish has been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.”