1461. the tall one

the sun comes up,
a lone man leans into a tree
and looks up

A Cree Indian prophecy: “Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish has been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.”

1460. oranges

on orange, on orange— 
the big pileup!
they all look alike
no eyes, no noses, no teeth— 
having fun
getting lost in the crowd
of pumpkins!

Hey, look at all those pumpkins—one, two, three, four…. I began to count, but quickly got lost in the crowd! 😘

1459. just leaves

side by side
one to another, leaves— 
the wind blows

We’re all on this same earth together: red, yellow, gray, brown, black, white. Life is short. Let’s get along.