keeping it simple....reflecting on life with pictures and poems in the Japanese tradition of Zen
171. that’s a bear!
170. the pacer
—sometimes in life, help comes from unexpected friends....keep your sights open 👀
169. for today
166. a good soldier
165. poised
164. tiny treasures
161. follow your nose
160. the tightrope walker
—Pema Chodron, an American Buddhist teacher, reminds us to not let our thoughts spin out and throw us off our center, to simply say to ourselves “no big deal.” {It works, though you may have to say it over and over....and over. :-) }
159. girl meets boy
—a new twist on an old story
158. pandemic fallout #2
155. welcome graffiti
154. from the heart
153. pandemic fallout #1
152. dancing in the street
—weeds are wildflowers, wildflowers are weeds....get out and dance, let your spirit grow
150. let’s go!
—nothing like riding a bike to feel free and light again!
149. a symbol?
—the faculty of the mind to imagine and wonder, devil or divine?
148. three chickens
—I once lived in a big city neighborhood with closely set houses, where I seldom saw animals in my daily walks. One time, though, walking along the sidewalk, I heard some unusual clattering of sound behind a tall fence. I got up on my toes and peered down onto three chickens....clucking and strutting their chicken dance. Fun!
147. the sky is blue
146. the family goose
—During the war in Europe when the air raid sirens wailed warning people of imminent danger, everyone right away ran to bomb shelters. My mother’s task in those times was to carry the goose, a family treasure, to safety. I’m sure it wasn’t easy.
145. getting dressed
—yesterday morning, replying to an early morning comment from a friend, i’d intended to text, “that’s a great idea!,” but my phone’s auto-correct typed in, “that’s a great haiku!”—Now that’s another sort of a haiku moment. I immediately set my hands to find a good way to picture his comments using origami. These finished clothes are all 3” or smaller and all but one are folded from a square of paper .
144. all terrain hike
*this and many other tunnels were likely created by field mice (moles or voles) burrowing their way under weeks of deep snow.
—Today’s hike was stimulating though a bit grueling. All along the way, yak-trax and hiking polls sinking and sticking in snow and ice and slush and mud. Interestingly, the meadow was mostly clear under a bright warming sun, both of us taking off vests and rolling up sleeves. Nearing the end of our hike we were searching for a less difficult way back home, just wanting to settle down and relax. I wonder if the field mice were doing the same.
143. at the thrift store
—I guess you could say that all of America, and the whole world, has been put on reserve, on hold and waiting for things to open up again. As for me when i can’t do what i used to do, i go out looking for something new. So here i am now....with a blog and on social media, writing haiku with pictures—and having a new kind of fun.
141. time out
—I finally got up the gumption to get on social media to share my art and connect with a wider audience.... and on my second day out, my post got flagged and removed, not once but twice. At first dismayed, my heat soon heated up and I considered quitting. I thought about it and said “no.” It’s just energy, turn it around and use it, don’t hold on to it. The other side of anger is resolve. Make art not war!
(BTW those two posts are back on—there may have been some misunderstanding.)
140. round and round
—“Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter...and Spring” is title to a simple, elegant Korean film. It tells a Buddhist fable that follows the seasons of a man’s life from childhood to maturity.