1364. all star review

on a clear day
as far as the eyes can see
everything’s pink!


“Rosie the Elephant” — 12 x 20” — Origami Art

Recently finishing the elephant totem for baby Judah, I was on a roll for making more elephants. There are countless ways to fold an elephant, even one where when you pull the tail the trunk goes up and down! I was having such fun—one thing just led to another and another and another….

Here’s Rosie the Elephant and her All Star Review!  I was going to title this, “Council of The Elders,” but they said no—call it, “Rosie the Elephant.” 

1363. tongue twister

on a lazy day
racing around like crazy—
water bugs
skeeters scooters skaters sliders skimmers!

Now that’s a tongue twister: striders-skeeters-scooters-skaters-sliders-skimmers! Try saying that three times fast!

1362. winners and losers

smile, be happy
you can’t win ‘em all
eddie the rat

Fourth of July it was hot, really hot!🥵  We went to the movies and saw “Ghostlight,” an American film about ordinary people just living life:  working,  laughing,  grieving,  hot-headed, charmed. It was terrific! Last night was even hotter, so we went to the movies again for another film to escape the cabin fever and keep cool. Midway thru the movie we left our seats and walked out of the theater, and went for a walk in the heat of the night. “That was terrible,” he said. I agreed….you can’t win ‘em all!

1361. prisoner

held prisoner
by the chain-link fence….
poison ivy

Rain drops on every living thing. Nature nourishes all its children. If we look serenely, we can see that everything can be worthy of a poem. 


1360. lift off!

camera shy
not waiting for a perfect shot—
the hawk


Driving home, my eye came alert as something swooped across the road up ahead. It was something big. Slowing down, I scanned the area for a closer look, and then I saw it down on the ground—a red-tailed hawk. Even though my car was stopped, I had a feeling the hawk sensed my presence—but not before I had a chance for a couple of pretty good pictures. “Pretty good” may not be “perfect” but it’s better than no pictures at all! 😘 I was lucky. 

1359. quartet

hiking to the creek
tongues, toes, eyes, and fluffy tails….


Husky quartet! Here they come—mom and her boys (she’s the light, buff-colored husky) hiking through the woods on a sunny summer day, tongues hanging out, tails up—on their way for a dip in the creek to cool off.  

1358. every time….

like a flower
blooming in tall summer grasses….
face of a deer


Have you noticed how the grasses in the field are growing taller than ever this year? Sunday morning as I paused to admire the tall summer grasses, a deer quietly appeared and held my gaze. Time after time, although I’ve seen the face of a deer so many times, it’s wondrous every time.

1357. what a sky!

hey, look—
a maxfield parrish sky


Early last night, I was sitting at the dining room table, reading. The phone rang, it was Dan. As we talked, I looked up and gazed out toward the living room. There was an odd glow to the room. I got up, walked over to the window and looked outside. What a sky! That’s a Maxfield Parrish sky, I said to Dan. (This picture is looking out the back bedroom window.)

Maxfield Parrish was an American painter and illustrator, whose work has been described as vibrant, whimsical, neo-classical. His early works were mostly black-and-white. Later, a magazine wrote, “To behold the work of Maxfield Parish (1870-1966) is to enter into a fantasy world of ethereal beauty.”