1538. party boy

end of the year
—it’s time to party 🎉….
hand out the hats
top dog 
he gets to wear the big hat—
woof! woof!


“Party Boy” - 13x11-1/2” - Origami Mixed Media

It’s New Year’s Eve….time to party!🎉 Wishing everyone a wonderful year ahead brimming with warm-hearted loving, fun-loving laughter, inspiring inspirations, sensational snuffles, and pockets full of tasty treats! Happy New Year!🎊 

1537. brown is beautiful


after the rain
colors come alive….
brown becomes beautiful

I never thought much about the color brown but after it rained all night, the next morning all the bare trees and shrubs and wintered grasses had turned so many shades of brown. Here’s a quote from Charlie Brown: “Look for the good in every day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.”

1536. feeling lazy

settles in over the creek
without a sound


“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” — Lao Tzu 

It’s Sunday morning….I’m feeling lazy, and I’m feeling good. 

1535. mushin

sweet poems:
shapes, forms, colors—all floating
under the sea

Christmas Eve, they were all in the other room, rolling dice, yelling Yahtzee!  Me, I was all in to the fishes. It didn’t take long to realize they weren’t real. It was a Roku screensaver. It didn’t matter, I kept watching anyway. 

Even as a kid, I was mesmerized by tropical fishes. I think it was their colors, their slow shadowy movements that always drew me in to a space of “no mind,” and the power of looking. The Japanese word for this is “mushin”—a mental state of being free from distractions, thoughts, emotional turmoil. A state of calm focus that allows people to act instinctively, fluidly, and without judgment.

1534. feliney find

in the museum
a collection of old frames and
a snow lion 🦁 


You never know what you might find in a museum just waiting to be found.  MEW-SEUM MISCHIEF is a hide & seek game for family fun at the Michener Museum in Doylestown. 

1533. going with the flow

just standing there
cows out in the snowy field
feeling restless

Waking up feeling restless. No particular reason, no particular thought, no where to go. Going with the flow of it. 

1532. it’s Christmas!

sleeping in
dreaming of Christmas
in my dreams


A very merry Merry Christmas to all!🎄❄️♥️

1531. sailing home

frosty moon—
sailing home for the holidays
in good company


“Home for The Holidays” - 10x8” - Origami Mixed Media

At night, the moon is bright. Without darkness, we could never see the light.  Happy Holidays to all!

1530. simply gorgeous

canada geese
lifting off up into the sky
breaking the silence


It was sunny and just a bit breezy. Around the golf course across the expansive of shiny white ground, multiple groups of Canada geese had gathered together to forage through the snow. There was the occasional soft quacky murmur or throaty growl, but mostly there was silence. My eyes skimmed the scenic view in slow motion, when all of a sudden a cacophony of honking flew into the air in front of me. I looked up, then saw another group of geese lifting off over my head, and then in the distance another as if someone or some thing had turned on a switch or sounded a call for every bird across the golf course to take flight. It was simply gorgeous. 

1529. me-you-us-them

there they are:
 up-down, down-up, here, there,
they’re everywhere!

In the museum, so much to look at so much to see. 

1528. woohoo!

no moon tonite 
train lights up the waythen


December 21, Winter Solstice, the shortest day and the longest night. The snow was slanting down. Out the back window, empty trees and clusters of shrubs covered in white. Off to the left I heard the distant whistle. The headlights lit up the overhead power lines as the train hurried on by with another whistle. It was snowing—woohoo!

1527. making marks

smoke rings
floating up from a pot of tea

Fragrant smoke rings, wafting up from a pot of hot jasmine tea on a cold morning. Detail of a small painting at an exhibition. I didn’t paint this…wish I had. It’s the little things that turn me on.

1526. asters

autumn freeze
tiny flowers daring to bloom
in the morning sun

Tiny white flowers look like they are enjoying the warm morning sun.  It’s still autumn, three more days winter comes in. I wonder, will they still be blooming.

1525. all ears

my, my,
what big ears you have, my dear….
the better to hear you!


Was that the Big Bad Wolf or Mickey Mouse?! 

1524. love poem

stepping back
for a closer look
at love


“Amor Caritas,” Angel of Love at the Michener Museum. 

And the Angel of Love came down and waved its magic wand all over the world.  Rumi said, “Love is the bridge between you and everything.”  Love is essential, if we are to grow. Love what you love—music, paintings, poems, books, science, nature, hopes and dreams….your home, animals, children, your lover. Hafiz said, “Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.” This is what love feels like for me. 

1523. sunday morning

chilly morning 
let’s build a fire to warm up
the maple syrup


Sunday morning is for pancakes. Dan likes to warm up the maple syrup.😘

1522. jolly good!

a pumpkin:
it can’t see or think or feel, but
it sure does taste good!

Gobble gobble, stuffing its cheeks—a jolly squirrel! ‘Tis the season!

1521. the sun

there goes the sun
same old, same old, and yet….

There goes the sun, just doing its thing. It’s really something. Isn’t it? Makes me think of that old Frankie Laine song that goes, “That lucky old sun got nothin’ to do but roll around heaven all day….”


1520. doggie of the month

center stage—
posing with perfect poise
la centerfold!


Stepping out from behind the curtain to pose with perfect poise—drumroll, please!  There she is: Mizz December! 

1519. up against the fence

no one
teeing off—the 13th hole


Balmy morning, fog rising up from the ground. Far in the distance, ground sprinklers going full blast! No one out on the golf course. Soft sounds of silence, thick enough to hear an echo. Pretty. 🎬 

1518. rain gods

velvet footprints of the rain gods


Dawn, it’s been raining—rain, rain, rain twelve more hours, maybe more. There goes a car off to work….glad it’s not me.

1517. moments

me and you
taking pictures—
late autumn


It’s still Autumn. Some days warm, some days cold—in the 20s or 30s or 40s, even 50s. 

So much to see, taking it all in. I never tire of seeing you in action.

“The best things in life are not things, they are moments.”  Some moments go by in a flash. Some moments linger. And some moments go on and on. 

1516. tiny wonder

cherry red
the flowers in my garden
…a ghost?!


Delightful, the cyclamen in my window-sill garden blooming in time for the holidays. Watching the pot of soil drinking up water from the saucer below, I look close, then a little closer….a  wispy spider, white as a ghost!  Where’d it come from?!

1515. leaning in

waiting room
nodding against the wall
feeling woozy

Waiting to see the doctor—even the office plants grow weary waiting!🫠

1514. three chairs

and they all fall down, or


Hmmm…At the edge of the woods, three chairs, each one  red, toppled over, head low to the ground. Are they all playing a game? Or was it the windy wind? Or ojigi?  Ojigi is the Japanese word for bowing, which is a fundamental part of Japanese culture and a common way to show respect.

1513. the dreamer

i once had a cat
she was black on black—
i called her Lucy


“The Dreamer” — 10 x 8” — Origami Composition

Like leaves on a tree or pages in a book….day by day, dreaming the night away. Cats are great sleepers, and dreamers too. Lucy, making the most of her days and her dreams.  “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney

1512. two guys

two guys
down in the wooded hollow—
locking horns


We were standing at the top of the 30 foot concrete wall, gazing  down into the wooded gully, looking to see what we could see: krkk!  k-kk!  klkk. k-rkk!  k-kk!  First, we heard the distant clacking sounds then we saw them—two big bucks locking horns. We watched their horns making contact and hooking, stepping back then hooking again and again. Transfixed—hooked on what we were witnessing—we wondered what was going on. They didn’t appear to be angry. But were they fighting? Were they vying for herd dominance? Were they scraping off their antlers? Or were they just two guys roughhousing? We did see a doe nearby. Hmmm….

1511. abundance

early winter, frosty
ground loaded with acorns—
ooh, a smorgasbord!


I used to think that only squirrels relied on acorns for food. I had no idea of all the other animals—rodents, birds, and mammals—who also eat acorns. Chipmunks, mice, and squirrels. Blue jays, woodpeckers, tufted titmice and common grackles. White-tailed deer, gray and red foxes, crows, wild turkeys, rabbits, raccoons and opossums. Thank God for Oak Trees!

1510. the seagull

standing tall 
between earth and heaven
the wind blows

Under the sun, we all live. The tall grasses, trees, rivers, rocks, and seas….the fox, the heron, deer, horses, birds, and bees….cats, dogs, fishes and fleas. And the whole of humanity, too. 

This is the last of my posts inspired by three days in Cape May and life by the sea.🙏


1509. seven Santas

two on the porch,
two more in the windows,
and three on the roof!


After all these years, Christmas is still my favorite holiday and Santa can still surprise and delight me. December 2, twenty-three days to Christmas….and seven Santas appear! Will the real Santa Claus please stand up!🎅 🥰

1508. all is well

sounds of the sea
are mesmerizing 
even to a gull

On the beach, looking out on the sea….paying attention to the rolling sounds of the ocean returning to itself wave after wave. Mesmerized. Feeling a deep sense of peace in the world outside and inside and for a time, all is well and all is well.