1606. saturday night

in front of the fireplace
times are changing


Did you remember to change your clocks today? Push an hour ahead—it’s daylight saving time! “Three Simple Lines,” by Natalie Goldberg. It’s a good read into the homeland of haiku. 

1605. wanderings

i love this tree
no longer splendid….
what now? 

I’ve been working on this one for days. I think it’s done…

Emptiness is the best part of everything. I think. It’s what catches the eye, inviting imagination to come, to wander and wonder about some bird, or perhaps some other kind of creature, who took it upon itself to poke a hole in this tree that had been growing tall for 60 or 70 years, maybe  longer, and changed its course giving it a new meaning and purpose. All this time, it was busy being a tree, and now what?

Where am I? What am I doing now? Why am I here? The tree doesn’t ask, it just goes along with the flow of whatever comes along today, and today, and today. Why can’t I?  Some days I need answers. Some days I simply enjoy the imperfections.  

And Leonard Cohen said, “There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

1604. woof!

here’s one for the blog—
woof! woof!

Pulled over to the side of the road, a big high-top van, big paws on the wheel, sits with a big Saint Bernard in the driver’s seat. He barks, it shakes, I keep going….but not before I take a picture.😘

1603. forbidden drive

chairs placed just so
waiting for the parade to pass by
best views in town


A favorite venue for walkers, strollers, dogs, runners, hikers, and cyclists, Forbidden Drive is a 7-mile-long rolling gravel and asphalt trail that runs alongside the Wissahickon Creek along the outskirts of Philadelphia. It has a ton of picturesque views and is source to countless single-track trails that run up into wooded hills and sprawling open meadows. The best part is “no vehicle traffic allowed.” That’s where it gets its name.

1602. david & goliath

young shepherd 
goes up against the giant

Tap-tap-tap…tap-tap…tap-tap…tap-tap-tap.  It took a while for me to see where the sounds were coming from. Later on, looking at my photo, I immediately thought of David and Goliath. It’s not the size of the challenge but the size of your own heart that matters.

1601. daffodils

so young and fragrant, like spring….
my wrinkled hand
holing up in a water bottle
tsk! tsk!

Every year around this time, you can find small bunches of daffodils to buy and take home. I just love these early symbols of Spring. My water bottle was the only thing on hand with just the right size choke (neck) to hold these daffodils. Think I’ll go to the thrift store to look around for a vase or two. 😉


1600. let’s romp

tall grasses
sparrows swing high, swing low….

“A Little Fun In The Sun” — 9x16” — Origami 

A breezy sunny day, outside sparrows are frolicking on tall summer grasses at the bottom of the hill that runs along the railroad tracks behind the old house. Taking turns, the sparrows romp—clinging to the long blades, bobbing up and down, jumping on then off, bouncing over and over, shaking and twittering! 

Wished I could go outside and play with them, but simply waved. I didn’t take a picture, this is my memory from last summer.

1599. eyes to eyes

far apart
keeping our distance
eyes to eyes


We stand a long time, simply gazing eyes to eyes. I like to imagine that one day we might slowly walk toward each other, step by step, pause….then bow. 

1598. Bonnie & Clyde

house cat
quiet as a mouse
watching tv 

I was cat sitting Bonnie & Clyde. That’s Bonnie, her brother is Clyde. We were all just hanging out. I feel very lucky.