311. a puppy in training


a puppy
is a puppy is
a puppy

this is Betty, in training to be a visiting service dog.  by now she’s likely all grown up and bringing smiles and joyful tears to the many people she visits.

my morning practice is to read.  i’ve been doing this nearly 45 years.  i sit down with a cup of coffee and read by candlelight. it’s early and still dark outside.  i read for inspiration, contemplation.  spiritual books, self-help books, biographies, memoirs….  lately, it’s been haiku and other poetry.  this morning i cried glad tears after reading a little story by Mary Oliver—i found it on line, here it is…. https://www.cccindy.org/_main_site/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/MARCH-3_ROPES.pdf