852. fun with dan and yulan*

look, yulan, deer!
see the deer, seven deer,
see how they run
oh yes, dan, yes, yes
i see, i see how they run,
run, run away!

After Saturday’s cold, cold single-digit day, the sun came up, came up to warm the early morning air. As we were walked down the lane just before reaching the bridge, we looked down into the wooded area and saw deer feeding. We counted seven—we always count. We watched the deer….the deer watched us watching. I fumbled for my phone to take a picture….the deer turned and hightailed away….away.

(*note on the title of this post, “Fun with Dan and Yulan”:  A sighting of deer always fills me with a simple sense of joy, a delight and wonder at the beautiful wildness of everyday life. With wooded areas so close to home, seeing deer is fairly common, yet somehow noteworthy. This time my feelings and thoughts took me back to childhood memories of “Fun with Dick and Jane,” the now-vintage school books where children learned to read through simple repetition.)