1038. Bill

“this time of year
the sunsets are beautiful,”
said the grease monkey 


My auto mechanic is new to me. He’s warm and friendly and real down-to-earth. I like him. His garage is close to home, 50 yards down the road, an easy 3-minute walk. The other day, I dropped off my car for a new set of spark plugs and when I picked it up later, Bill and I kibitzed a little about business, about the neighborhood, about the weather. “I don’t mind the heat too much,” he said, “I’m used to it, glad I don’t have to work out in the sun.” Bill paused then, for a moment, looked over to the west at the sky and smiled, “You know, this time of year the sunsets start to get especially beautiful.” Then I told him I write a haiku-photo blog. Think I’ll print this one out and give it to him.