1359. quartet

hiking to the creek
tongues, toes, eyes, and fluffy tails….


Husky quartet! Here they come—mom and her boys (she’s the light, buff-colored husky) hiking through the woods on a sunny summer day, tongues hanging out, tails up—on their way for a dip in the creek to cool off.  

1358. every time….

like a flower
blooming in tall summer grasses….
face of a deer


Have you noticed how the grasses in the field are growing taller than ever this year? Sunday morning as I paused to admire the tall summer grasses, a deer quietly appeared and held my gaze. Time after time, although I’ve seen the face of a deer so many times, it’s wondrous every time.

1357. what a sky!

hey, look—
a maxfield parrish sky


Early last night, I was sitting at the dining room table, reading. The phone rang, it was Dan. As we talked, I looked up and gazed out toward the living room. There was an odd glow to the room. I got up, walked over to the window and looked outside. What a sky! That’s a Maxfield Parrish sky, I said to Dan. (This picture is looking out the back bedroom window.)

Maxfield Parrish was an American painter and illustrator, whose work has been described as vibrant, whimsical, neo-classical. His early works were mostly black-and-white. Later, a magazine wrote, “To behold the work of Maxfield Parish (1870-1966) is to enter into a fantasy world of ethereal beauty.”