1387. Elvis

give me 10 on 5
robbing the piggy bank—
running on Elvis!

I went out for an early morning hike. On the way home, my eye caught the flashing E…E…E on my dashboard, so I pulled in to the gas station. “I’d like 10 on 5,” I said, then put down 9 singles and 4 quarters on the counter. (Earlier, I’d left home with just keys and driver’s license, no money, so i had to rob my coin box for gas money.) The salesclerk glanced at the bills and coins, rolled his eyes and gave me a sideways look. I gave him a smile, “I need gas….my car’s running on Elvis!” 

I remembered the time a gas station attendant filled up my car then said with a big smile….you musta been running on Elvis! Some people we never forget.😚