1560. bird by bird

listen to me:
the way to get started is
bird by bird!

Since before Christmas, I’ve been in a creative slump with my origami. It’s like this:  I’d get a spark…then it fizzled. I’d try this, then that...then go brush my teeth, or go out for a walk. Nothing was working. I just couldn’t get started.  Then one day last week, I recalled how Anne Lamott wrote about her brother, who was ten at the time, how he was trying to write a report on birds for a school assignment. It was due the next day, and he was surrounded by pencils, papers and books on birds at the kitchen table, in tears. His father sat down beside him, put an arm around his shoulder and said, “Bird by bird, Buddy. Just take it bird by bird.”   So I started just to fold again—bird by bird.

By the way, I loved Anne Lamott’s book, “Bird By Bird—some instructions on writing and life.”