612. rainy day #3

on a rainy day
sunshine and blossoms….


(Everybody needs a rainy day once in a while.  Looks like it’s going to rain all day. Make it a just doin’ day kinda day.  Just stay in: sleep late, make yourself an extra cuppa coffee, read or write or paint or just doodle around, daydream a little, pick up the phone to call a friend you haven’t heard from in a while, sit down and pray or meditate or just listen to the rain, turn on the Discovery channel and learn something new, listen to music or get out the old guitar and sing, bake some chocolate chip cookies, stretch and breathe, sit down and talk to your cat or dog, binge on something not too fattening, play a game with the kids or husband or wife, try smiling little or a lot and laughing, and don’t forget to say I love you.)