611. 1. 2. 3.

1. the grass grows
2. the sun’s always shining
3. it’s my birthday

Origami picture: “Life is Good” — 5x7” — paper, pastel, water color, gold threads

Today’s my birthday—76 years and I’m happy to be old. Life is good and there’s much to be grateful for. Grasses go on growing and the sun is always shining, even if you can’t see it. When things get me down, I go outside and look at the trees and flowers, I breathe in the fresh air, and I look up at the sky and smile. 

I’ll die some day, for sure. I’m not afraid. Makes me think about what really matters here and now. Reminds me to keep my life simple and stay close to the people and things that make me happy and that bring me peace. I just want to live a good life so that I can have a good death too.

I’ve heard it said that we make our own heaven or hell right here on earth—I think that’s true. I’ve also heard that when you get old, there’s nothing to look forward to any more—I don’t buy that. Here’s a poem:

One day I’ll go
back to Prague or even China
if only in my mind.

One day I’ll die
but I’m not in any hurry
not yet, not yet.

And when I go, I’ll 
find love again and laughter
again and again.

Here’s a short film about being old and happy. It ends with a rendition of the song, “Don’t Let the Old Man In.” I hope you enjoy it—be sure to skip the ads and enlarge the the video.  https://youtu.be/Gy82mvVLdho