647. stop…look…listen

what do I do?!
yikes! i’m caught in the middle—
Be still…

In the woods, Liz and I were walking along when this little frog tinier than the tip of my finger burst out from a tiny hole in the middle of the path then suddenly stopped on the ground between our shoes. Time stood still for the three of us—the frog, Liz, and me. Carefully, without a sound and without moving my feet, I slowly pulled out my phone, lowered down to the ground and snapped a few pictures from behind. Liz did the same from in front. For the longest time, the frog didn’t move. 
I wonder now, was the frog posing for us, gifting us with these photos, or was it simply following its instinct to survive. In moments of doubt and indecision, the best thing to do is: stop…look…and listen—listen to your inner voice.