keeping it simple....reflecting on life with pictures and poems in the Japanese tradition of Zen
846. short story on a sunny day
845. the sun is rising
844. riddle #1
Here’s the riddle:
Where do eggplants come from?
(Today is game day for the Philadelphia Eagles—Go Eagles!)
843. avatars
On a chilly night piled up on the sofa—Mikey, Willey, and Dan surrounded by Montezuma, Lord Krishna and Princess Rukmini, a pair of mystical Japanese Cranes said to mate for life and live 1,000 years, and 100 ancestral kimonos on the wall….and, of course, me.
A scene to remember!
842. time comes
“Wherever you go there you are.” Jon Kabat-Zinn
My mother lived clear across the country then and one day on the phone, I heard her voice telling me….oh Mimmy, I’m trying so hard to change and it isn’t easy. I wish I had known to ask her what she had meant, but I didn’t. I was too young. Now that I am the age that she was then, I understand.
841. who’s looking
840. trading seasons
January is supposed to be the coldest month in Pennsylvania though so far, the winter here has been mild, you might even say it’s been a warm winter. Earlier this month, snow bells were opening in woodlands and now the pussy willows are out, forsythia flowers are blooming, and it’s still only January. Who knows, before you know it the sunflowers might be up! This scarecrow’s already ready. I spotted it yesterday during my walk around the neighborhood.
839. sad toys
838. 5-7-5
837. the little gang
I heard a woman’s voice across the creek. Stay. Stay. Stay. I looked over and saw the woman bending down over a jumble of little dogs no higher than her knees all dressed up in little doggie jackets. It dawned on me that her telling them to ‘stay’ was her hope that they would stay still long enough for her to take a good picture of the little gang of them. I wish I could have gotten a better picture. Oh, well.
I hope she got a better picture than I did.
836. butter
835. still life with ketchup
A picture can say 1000 words or just one….Meow!
834. things change
833. shivering
It was a Sunday. It was a cold, cold morning. I was shivering yet glad to be outside, my legs walking and my breath breathing in the fresh air. Crossing over the bridge I looked down into the creek, my eyes searching for the heron who often wades there in the water, waiting with its thick dagger-like beak, poised for some fish to dare to swim by. The interesting thing was that the heron’s long neck and long legs appeared to have disappeared into its chest. The water must’ve been so very cold.
We gazed and watched with wonder at the vision of this magnificent bird. And then as if it was shy and didn’t want to be observed, it turned, lifting and curling its long neck, opening its great wings, lofting its entire body slowly upward. It flew off, its long legs trailing well beyond its tail. And the heron was gone.
832. the end is near
The line moved steadily if not swiftly. Time enough to check in with email or text messages, Facebook or Instagram, TikTok or Twitter, WhatsApp or WhatEver. I just made up that last one😆.
The Philadelphia Museum is hosting a retrospective exhibition of art by Henri Matisse. It’s well worth the wait in line. Timed reservations are required and the exhibit ends January 29–so don’t delay!
831. pictures in a museum
830. me & pinky
Funny, how the mind gets on a roll, and one thing leads to another. Here’s Pinky.**
829. green on green
828. peace and quiet

Sitting down with a cup of coffee, checking the weather outside and the iCal, then I pick up a book and read a little—some poetry or other inspirational words. Then I settle down to consider the morning message for my blog post. This is the way I begin every day, in peace and quiet.
826. can you find them?
825. rice checks
Any time of day or night when I sit down to eat, he’s always right there. That’s Willey chowing down on his bowl of rice checks cereal!😻
824. looking back….
Looking back. From time to time, I enjoy looking back and scrolling through my pictures. When I saw this one, I zoomed in then scratched my head: What was I thinking? Why did I take this picture? I had no idea. It just showed up on my camera roll. Maybe the picture took itself—Smartphones will do that, no kidding—to remind me to keep my eyes on the road 👀 and be here now, especially when driving!👍
822. decisions decisions
821. hope
820. daybreak
819. art saves lives
Painting, sculpture, literature, architecture, cinema, music, theatre, photography.
“Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements of human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.” John Lubbock
818. heart sutra
This one is for my Buddhist friends. Who love the Heart Sutra.
817. that’s tommy
That’s Tommy. He’s a happy camper….he lives on cloud nine….he’s over the moon….and he paints the town red….24/7.
816. keep on trucking!
It’s a new year, it’s a new day for feeling good. Take it one day at a time. Happy New Year!🎈