1446. lively little mushrooms

leggy mushrooms
pour up from the ground below—
who took a bite?

Two days and nights of misty rains and lively little mushrooms everywhere pour up from the ground below. Someone took a bite!

1445. a flower

on the long walk home….
a flower

Just after the turnaround on the long walk home, by the side of the path, my eye glimpsed a little flower all alone. I passed by and continued on until my mind filled with the flower. I stopped. “I have to take a picture, I’ll be right back,” Dan. I went back and, for a moment, everything became that flower.


1444. down at my feet

a single leaf
covered over with drops of rain
end to end…



After the long dry spell, drinking in every last drop of rain.

1443. the boatman

the boatman 
slipping into the water….
a goose cries out
how silent it is,
shadow of the kayak paddle

Moving slowly, setting off for a late afternoon ride on Hidden Lake….will this be the last ride of the summer?

1442. up early

early morning 
scrolling through my pictures—
griff with gertrude stein


Lately, I haven’t been ready to get out of bed in the mornings, only wanting to sleep more, it’s been so dark.  Not this morning.  Just past 3:30 my eyes opened with enough sleep, I was feeling rested and ready to get up. Too early. So I lay there and breathed for about an hour, then stretched out of bed, peed and brushed teeth, ground beans for coffee, and sat down in my reading chair, Mikey next to me on her cushion. I had extra time, so I sat there and lazily scrolled through my pictures…. found this one. It’s a good one, I think.  

1441. the wonder

watching leaves
a frog 


Walking through the field on a cool autumn morning, soft breeze on my skin, the sweet scent of goldenrod, and into the woods one by one leaves flutter, slowly drifting all the way down to the ground, moss underfoot. I think to myself, this is it….

1440. Sunday morning

sunday morning 
deep in the thick of the tall ones—
heaven’s gate


These are the times I feel so small….and rejoice!

1439. old dogs & new tricks

c’mon c’mon—
everybody up! up! up! up!
like lions


A ring of old tree stumps calls out to Dan and Rob and Grif and Poppyseed….takes me back to circus days as I watched all the lions step up, one by one by one,  to the beat of the drum.

1438. Lake Wallenpaupak

miles and miles
around lake wallenpaupak
dan points the way


Sitting back and enjoying the ride is much easier than doing the driving. Thanks, Rob for the great ride!  Lake Wallenpaupak, Pennsylvania’s largest reservoir, is 13 miles end to end with 52 miles of uninterrupted shoreline. Its six public recreation areas feature hundreds of acres of forest land, walking trails, camp sites, and boat slips. 

1437. on the lake

across the lake
a lone goose cries out
….cries out


All’s quiet on the lake, but for a goose….and its echo. 

1436. TGIF!

friday morning
the trash truck rumbles in….and
the crow takes off

Just another Friday. Sounds of the trash truck coming in just up the street. I got up and looked out the front window. I waved. Sometimes they see me and wave back. Then I saw the crow takeoff. I like crows.

1435. i remember…

on the wall
making love in their own way
hey, mom


Mom was still here then and I remember the time we were sitting on the sofa side-by-side, maybe watching something on tv, and she said to me…. “You know, I’m not always going to be here, but I’ll come back and I’ll be like a fly on the wall.”So now, from time to time whenever I see a fly just hanging nearby, I look and I say, Hey Mom!♥️

1436. looking up

looking up—
orange cat in the window….
thinking of willey 

Every time an orange cat appears, my thoughts go to Willey….he was so much fun.😻


1435. paper & paint

all my babies
wrapped up and ready to go
the walls are bare

I’m looking forward to sharing a retrospective of my work in a joint exhibition of my origami paper compositions together with Dan’s recent paintings of the Wissahickon Woods. The show will run September 20 to October 26.


1434. down to the ground

the music rocks on
ahh ahh, ooh-ooh….


Little miracles are everywhere….take care not to step on them.

1433. wondering….

dog running my way
running away

Walking through the woods one never knows…. Who? Where? What? Friend or foe?! Sometimes all I can do is simply smile and wonder at the joy of just being alive.

1432. carnival

lighting up the night sky—
ahh…the moon

Friday night at the carnival.🎡 Cacophony of rides, games, music, foods, treats, bright lights blinking-blinking-blinking, people, people, people. Wild! And there she was….moon-viewing.


1431. shoutout to grandmoms

foggy morning—
waiting to greet the school bus and wave goodbye 


My next-door neighbor is a single dad. He leaves for work at six. His mother comes every morning to get the kids off to school.  Shoutout to grandmothers everywhere!

1430. bird or worm?

if you ask me,
i’d rather be a little bird
than a big worm 

Keep a bird’s eye view. Don’t sweat the small stuff, keep your eye on the big picture.

1429. feeling lucky

holding my breath,
and then he called G56–
i yelled BINGO!


Yesterday was the opening of the Holy Martyrs Carnival in Oreland. Both Dan and I got to yell BINGO! We were winners! We always look forward to this annual end-of-summer family event filled with rides and games of all kinds, plenty of tasty food and treats, temporary tatoos, and of course Bingo! The carnival will be in town thru Saturday, opens daily at 6:00, Saturday at 3:00.

1428. autumn

light and shadow
things coming to an end….
a vulture

Crossing the road at the end of a hike thru the woods, spotting a vulture biding its time. Even as things come to an end, there is beauty and peace. 

1427. walled in!

walled in:
four eyes fixed on the intruder—


One of my favorite things to see in the Woodmere Art Museum is the Children’s Gallery, which features art produced by children in Philadelphia area schools and studios. This time was somewhat of a surprise all around.😉

1426. looking ahead

slept in….
summer’s coming to an end
chilly morning 

Just think….when the creek fills up, i could be walking on water!

1425. the waiting game

space travel’s easy
what’s hard is just sitting
and waiting 


….but not for me.  If you have to do something you really don’t want to do, make a game of it.😽

1424. trusty partners

coming to a stop:
keeping an eye on things 
with thumbs!
taking a break
a little peace and quiet
off the road


Leaving the park after an easy hike thru the woods and meadow, I came to a stop at the red light and looked out through the window to see two police officers sitting side by side on a bench with their phones. As I travel it’s handy, at times, to have my phone at my side on the seat next to me. In work, rest, or play, it’s best to travel with a trusty partner.

1423. Sunday morning sky

end of summer,
where is it going?
an eagle


On the other side of the street from Morris Arboretum, I had stopped walking to focus my camera on taking pictures of a tree whose leaves had already turned a deep red. Then from the tree just above my head, I heard THUMM….WHRRUH!  I looked up to see huge wings spread wide, gliding up and up. “That’s an eagle,” Dan called, as we watched it fly off across the Sunday morning sky. 

1422. free

they like to say
the best things in life are free!

I like to say that “free is fun,” but not always….though this sign did make me smile. I suppose it’s important to keep a sense of humor about things, no matter what. ðŸ˜†

1421. miracles

a tree
in the palm of her hand—
it’s a miracle!


“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

1420. center stage

 end of summer
a thistle and a butterfly—
center stage
wish i could fly
on the wings of a butterfly—
what a thrill!


Despite being classified as a weed, field thistle flowers are not shy or retiring, but highly desirable as they stand tall in the sun sparkling with nectar and pollen. Just ask any butterfly!

1419. seeing blue


Down at my feet, smaller than the whole of my little fingernail, tiny blue flowers looking up at me.  I wanted to take them home with me, but I didn’t.