keeping it simple....reflecting on life with pictures and poems in the Japanese tradition of Zen
1477. tonight’s the night
1476. if flowers could talk
1475. things change
Time and time again we look down into the creek to see what we can see. This time approaching the bridge and looking down, I was struck by the different view of the water turning the bend along its shoreline. Quick I took a picture and only later did I see Dan, just there up ahead, gazing down into the creek. Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher was known to have said, “You can never step into the same river twice.” The river doesn’t stand still, and neither do you. Maybe that’s why every Sunday as we pass by on the bridge we always stop to look down to see what we can see.
1474. football sunday
1473. red
1472. golden meadow
The meadow, no longer green. Like the glass filled halfway….do you see emptiness or fullness? I like the open spaciousness of half empty, the possibilities. There is no end to growing, the mind is infinite.
1471. the game of life
1470. in my dreams
1469. get out!
1468. talking head?!!
Thinking of what to do next and messing around with ideas and papers…then this popped up—
1465. pondering
1464. tiny tree
1463. so big
1462. Dan
In every heart a flower blooms, he is my heart. He is my heart, my king of hearts. Happy Birthday, honey!!!♥️
1461. the tall one
1460. oranges
Hey, look at all those pumpkins—one, two, three, four…. I began to count, but quickly got lost in the crowd! 😘
1459. just leaves
1458. center stage
1457. funhouse
No, I didn’t get to see the northern lights last night, but I think this house did! Zoom in, look around at all the laughing faces.🎃
1455. sunny skies
1454. sunflower
At times, thoughts keep rolling in. My first thought: ‘beautiful.’ I wanted to climb over the fence, reach out a gentle hug and whisper, ‘there, there, things will be better tomorrow.’ 🤗
1453. memory lane
First scooter ride—will she remember? Day by day as we go thru life, there are many ‘firsts’: first birthday, first tooth, first step and first word, first day at school, first job after school, first car, first kiss and “I love you,” first smell of Spring, first sunrise, first look at the ocean, first trip overseas. So many times to look back on and remember. How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.
1452. home
In the mist and fog, autumn’s meadow becomes a wetland of fallen grasses and leaves and tiny asters. Even such ordinary things are something of beauty to write home about.
1451. hamlet
To bite or not to bite….that is the question.
1450. girlfriends
1449. in China….
1448. enlightenment
1447. the game of life
I recently watched a heart-warming movie about the Homeless World Cup—“A Beautiful Game.” Based on real events centered on international soccer competitions—and the larger Game of Life—the movie conspires to inspire connectedness and hope…and winning beyond the game. Hope plus action makes things happen.