1512. two guys

two guys
down in the wooded hollow—
locking horns


We were standing at the top of the 30 foot concrete wall, gazing  down into the wooded gully, looking to see what we could see: krkk!  k-kk!  klkk. k-rkk!  k-kk!  First, we heard the distant clacking sounds then we saw them—two big bucks locking horns. We watched their horns making contact and hooking, stepping back then hooking again and again. Transfixed—hooked on what we were witnessing—we wondered what was going on. They didn’t appear to be angry. But were they fighting? Were they vying for herd dominance? Were they scraping off their antlers? Or were they just two guys roughhousing? We did see a doe nearby. Hmmm….